Relief for Southern Highlands Families Affected by Bushfires
Earlier this year, we announced we would be requesting donations for families in our communities affected by the 2019/20 bushfire season.
After working with Chris McDermott, Principal of Chevalier College in Bowral, we are proud to announce where some of your support has been given.
The school has identified three families in need of assistance with recovery efforts as homes and businesses are rebuilt. One family in Balmoral will have the sons school fees, about $10,000, covered for the year while their home is rebuilt. Their home and all belongings were destroyed in the fires.
Another individual from Thirlmere, whose home was damaged and only partially covered by insurance, will be assisted with a $1500 grant to rebuild parts of his property.
Finally, a couple in the Kangaroo Valley, who had to refund deposits for 40 weddings when their venue was destroyed by fire. Losses such as these are felt within in the community as these venues are significant employers and the process of rebuilding affects not just owners but staff, guests, vendors and neighbouring guest houses as well.
Chris will be looking for more families, individuals and businesses in the area who have been affected to see how we may help in whichever small way we can.
Chris McDermott and Paul McShane from Chevalier College with Sean Donovan from the MSC Mission Office.