Where there is a Will there is a Way

A Will is a way whereby you can:

People who leave bequests in their Will to support the Missions are wise investors. Each day they will be remembered in the community prayers of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, as well as the people in the Missions

Why make a bequest?

A bequest in you will is a gift that lives on. It is a way of sharing assets that you may need now, but can spare for worthy causes when you no longer need them.

Bequests to the MSC Mission Office are an outstanding way of financing the good work done by our Missionaries.

It would be very difficult to expand the provision of services without bequests.

A bequest in a Will given out of compassion is like a rose growing in difficult circumstances


If you have decided to make a bequest to the MSC Mission Office, please discuss the matter with your solicitor to include either:

Your solicitor may need the information below to ensure that they can complete the Will correctly

Sample Inclusions and Wording



This is a codicil made by me_________________________________________(Full name)


to my last Will dated_______________________________________________(Insert date of will)


1.      To leave a sum of money to the MSC Mission Office Australia Limited (ABN 28 988 744 595)

I GIVE AND BEQUEATH free of that the receipt of the all duties death estate succession or otherwise payable in consequence of my death the sum of $_________ to the MSC Mission Office Australia Limited to be applied for general missionary purposes thereof, and I DECLARE the Director of the MSC Mission Office Australia Limited shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my Trustee for the payment of the said sum and that my Trustee shall not be bound to see to the application thereof.


2.      To leave a share of your Estate to the MSC Mission Office Australia Limited (ABN 28 988 744 595)

I direct my executors to divide the residue of my Estate, both real and personal, into _____ equal shares and I GIVE ______ shares to The MSC Mission Office Australia Limited to be applied for (the general missionary purposes thereof, and I DECLARE that the receipt of the Director of the MSC Mission Office Australia Limited shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my Trustee for the payment of the said sum and that my Trustee shall not be bound to see to the application thereof.


3.      To leave Specific Property to the MSC Mission Office Australia  Limited (ABN 28 988 744 595) 

I GIVE AND BEQUEATH the following items of my property and effects:



to The MSC Mission Office Australia Incorporated to be applied for their general missionary purposes thereof, and I DECLARE that the receipt of the Director of the MSC Mission Office Australia Limited shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my Trustee for the payment of the said sum and that my Trustee shall not be bound to see to the application thereof.


Be sure to rule out and initial any unwanted clauses or options above.




Dated this _________ day of ______________ year _______________________


Signed by the Testator: ______________________________________________


(This codicil must be signed in the presence of two witnesses, being persons other than executors or beneficiaries under your will.)


1.                      Signature:           __________________________________________


                          Print Name:       __________________________________________


                          Address:              __________________________________________




                   State: __________          Postcode:   ______________


                          Telephone: (_____) _____________________________


2.                      Signature:           __________________________________________


                          Print Name:       __________________________________________


                          Address:              __________________________________________




                          State: __________          Postcode:   ____________


                           Telephone: (_____) _____________________________